Boys Navigate Zion Narrows

Zion_NarrowsThe Zion Narrows Backpacking trip in Utah was unlike any backpacking trip I had ever been on. Six Scouts and 2 ASMs went. The windy 16 mile Virgin River served as the trail. Hiking over the slippery rocks in the knee deep to waist deep fast moving water proved to be fairly difficult. But the views and scenery inside the canyon were amazing! On either side of you there were vast 1,500 foot high Continue reading

Fourth of July 2014



Troop 4 put up numerous American Flags up and down Lake Avenue. This time, Mr. Grace was in charge of the event and will be in charge of taking down the flags as well.  Fourth of July  is just one of the holidays that American flags can be seen lining Lake Avenue courtesy of the Boy Scouts of Troop 4. Other Holidays where you can see the flags up and waving on Lake Avenue are Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and Labor Day.

Post by: Ryan Sharpe, Historian