Upcoming activities

Hey Troop 4! We have a full calendar in January. There is no meeting December 31. Please be safe in your New Year’s Eve celebrations. 

Saturday, January 5th

10am – 2pm…Scout Haus.  Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) for any who missed our first session just before Christmas. Sign up.

4pm…Mike Bomar’s Eagle Court of Honor in Morrison Hall. A great chance to see scouting’s highest rank awarded. This is an inspiring event. Please attend and follow in Mike’s footsteps. RSVP here.

Monday, January 7th

Regular Troop meetings resume at 7:15pm. Leaders arrive at 7pm.

Tuesday, January 15

7:30pm…Troop Committee and ASM meeting in ScoutHaus. All adult leaders are encouraged to attend.

Saturday, January 12

8am…Charles Aker’s Eagle Project. Details and sign up at January 7th Monday meeting.

Saturday to Sunday, January 19 – 20

Bike Backpack Trip. Sign up now to indicate interest. Details are still being planned.

Friday to Sunday, January 25 – 27

5pm…Leave for Henninger Flats – Easy backpack and Merit badge opportunity. Sign up.

Saturday to Sunday, February 2 – 3

8am…Trask Base Camp  – Trail to first class and other advancement opportunities. Sign up.