Who is Troop 4?
Troop 4 is one of the oldest chartered Boy Scout Troops in the Western United States. In June 2013 we celebrated 100 years of continuous operation with our sponsor, Westminster Presbyterian Church. Our Troop Room (Scouthaus) and other facilities are located in the Westminster Presbyterial church building, at 1757 North Lake Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91104.
Outdoor Adventure is our Troop’s emphasis. We basecamp and backpack in mountains and deserts, snow ski, hike with snowshoes, surf on sand dunes, go deep sea fishing, bicycle, swim, paddle kayaks and canoes, rappel rock walls, and ride whitewater rapids. Many of our Scouts will achieve 15 to 25 nights of camping within the first two years of our program. Through our varied activities, boys learn Scouting skills and ideals that carry forward into everyday living. Most importantly, they have FUN!
Troop 4 is a “boy run” organization, which is one of the basic tenants of the Boy Scouts of America. This means that the Troop operates through the elected leadership of its boys under the guidance of the Scoutmaster and other adult leaders. Our Troop’s Scouting program generally is offered through the “Patrol Method” whereby boys are organized into Patrols of 5 to 8 Scouts. According to the Patrol Method, the Troop’s outdoor adventure activities are planned by the individual Patrols, and the Patrols hike, eat, and camp as a unit.