Six patrols of Troop 4 scouts faced off in a set of pre-camporee events thematically linked to the Gold Rush April 5-7, 2013. Scouts enjoyed fresh air, camping, and Continue reading
Monthly Archives: March 2013
Scouts Complete 11 Mile Inspiration Point Loop
Reported by James Taylorson, Star Scout, Age 13

Boys summit Inspiration Point after climbing 2,740 vertical feet
On Saturday March 23rd, eight scouts and four ASMs went on a hike to Inspiration Point via the Lower Sam Merrill to Middle Sam Merrill Trail returning via Castle Canyon.
We hiked 11 miles from 8am to 4:00pm. We had a lot of fun on the hike. We stopped for lunch at the Mount Lowe Campsite. On our way down through Castle Canyon, we Continue reading
Eagle Project Helps Don Benito School
Reported by Leo Rein, Life Scout, Age 17
Leo Rein is a 17 year old Life Scout who has been with our Troop since May 2006. One of the requirements he completed toward earning his Eagle Rank was to plan and lead a service project that will benefit the community. Continue reading
ASM’s Complete Wilderness First Aid
Wilderness First Aid
Recently, four T4 Assistant Scout Masters, Mr. Emerson, Mr. White, Mrs. Taylorson and Mr. Taylorson completed their Wilderness First Aid certification.
The course was held at Gould Mesa Campground in the Arroyo Seco. They backpacked in about two miles while learning about edible plants and basic wilderness survival. Once at their destination, they set up camp and Continue reading