Eagle Project Helps Don Benito School

Reported by Leo Rein, Life Scout, Age 17


Leo and his crew strike a pose after a hard day’s work

Leo Rein is a 17 year old Life Scout who has been with our Troop since May 2006. One of the requirements he completed toward earning his Eagle Rank was to plan and lead a service project that will benefit the community.

Leo led a team of 33 volunteers to renovate the amphitheater on the upper playground of Don Benito Fundamental School. Leo’s plan was to uproot the ivy and weeds to make space for new plants. To prepare the dirt, Leo had several steps planned for the volunteers: to level out the soil and add topsoil, dig holes, free the roots, and “soak it in water, to make sure that the plants will live.” 146 volunteer hours later, they cleaned it up as though they were never there, but as Leo said, “…the work will stay, of course.”

The end result speaks for itself. Great job, Leo!

The end result speaks for itself. Great job, Leo!
(click pic to enlarge)