Red Rock Canyon Basecamp 2013

RedRock1 copyJake McCann pulls off full Scout-Led Basecamp.

On October 11, 12, and 13 Troop 4 had yet another outing, this time to Red Rock Canyon. This outing is similar to Joshua Tree with ample rocks to climb, “but not as big,” said Caleb of the Hot Arrows Patrol. Some of the activities that were available were a nature hike, geology hike, and a cinematography group scouted out a location to film a movie. The film site would later be the location for a cowboys vs. zombie film on Saturday. James Taylorson included that he “had a great time filming the movie and had a fun time finding the site.” Jake McCann, the Scout leader of the trip, concluded that “The weather during the camp out was beautiful and the camp out was not long enough!”