October 2018 Court of Honor

In our Fall 2018 Court of Honor , we celebrated advancement to Scout Rank for 6 , Second Class for 3, Star for 1, and Life for 2 of our Troop 4 boys and young men!  We also distributed dozens of merit badges.  Together, these awards recognize hundreds of hours of fun, learning, experiences, and life-skill building. Well done Troop 4!

Some of our new Scouts and parents. Congratulations on the first Rank Achievement!

Reaching Second Class rank – way to go!

Life Scouts – These young men are now on their way to Eagle. Look at all those merit badges!


Just some of our Cherry Valley patch and merit badge earners!

Court of Honor – October 9, 2016

daily-photo-la-rodeoOver 120 Troop friends and family attend this season’s Court of Honor. Many Scouts were awarded for their achievements after weeks, months and sometimes year of hard work.

The ceremony was followed by at least five selections of delicious, homemade pulled pork, deli sandwiches, salads, desserts–even a tub of horchata!

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