Registration instructions for Troop 4 Scouts, registered adults, and unregistered parents. 

Troop 4 must register all participating scouts in the Troop annually as part of our recharter process.

Troop 4 is very fortunate to have been hosted by Westminster Presbyterian Church, our charter organization, since 1913. Troop 4 is an active member of the Rose Bowl District, which is part of the Greater Los Angeles Area Council.

In an effort to reduce paperwork and streamline the registration process, we have made changes to the process for both new and returning scouts.  Please read the instructions carefully.


Send questions to


Troop 4 will no longer be requiring a signed copy of the Troop 4 Conduct and Consent Waiver, however we ask that all Troop 4 Scouts and Families review and be familiar with the expectations, policies, and liabilities outlined here (pdf).


New Scouts:

Returning Scouts

We are no longer requiring the Family Information form as most of the key contact information is already stored online in Scoutbook. In lieu of this form we are asking all families to log in to Scoutbook and check all the contact information is up to date and accurate.
* Medical forms will still be required at all events. Print copies of these will either be submitted for various activities or copies will be held by a Troop 4 adult leader in case of emergency.

Returning Adults

New Parents and Adult Volunteers