Sean King Grant Approved; Finished Eagle Project Early

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On November 23, 2013 Troop 4 had another Eagle Scout project. Sean King and the help that he received from Troop 4 scouts and scouters finished his Eagle Scout project. The project was taking apart old park benches, six from Sierra Vista Park and four from Memorial Park, and replacing the old wood from the table and bench portions with newly painted wood. Continue reading

Joshua Tree Base Camp 2013

Joshua Tree Promo 640Troop 4 went on Joshua Tree camp out over the weekend of November 15th, 16th, and 17th.

The Troop had another fun time at Joshua Tree. The troop hiked up to Mt. Ryan, did an orienteering course, and a nice camp fire that had s’mores. All the scouts enjoyed the rock climbing like every year that the troop visits Joshua Tree. And like every year, the nights and mornings are cold with the average temperate at 40 and 50 degrees not including wind chill. At the end of the camp out the troop concluded with a very nice Scout’s Own. Until next year Joshua Tree!

By Ryan Sharpe